Filed under: by: "Her.AhQuinFoToZ."

My Hero in this life and in the next life to come, many new him and more loved him. His name is Julian Kanoa "Pyrotek" Yarbrough. He was born into this world September 19th 1989 and he was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was 10 years old. He went through so much in so short amount a time. Never will there be anyone who I know (except the savior) that will be stronger than he. He inspired me with his love for God, and without him I never would've known all the things that I know about Photoshop. He passed away on November 7th 2009, I never realized how hard I was taking his passing until I came home from California. I miss him more and more everyday, but I know that he is with us and we will be with him on the Lord's time.  Words could NEVER replace the life that he lived and feelings can only express themselves to a certain extent. Rest in Peace my brother! I love you and miss you! Til we meet again Joosey!